Monday, February 1, 2010

Well, in the last week or so, I've done a bit more reading and knocked a couple more movies off the AFI list, (101 list item number 35). And with that came a bit of a self-realization...though it shouldn't be surprising, since also on the 101 list is a challenge to stop procrastinating.

The realization: I am working diligently to get the easy things done....thereby putting off the more challenging ones.

Seems rather insignificant, when I look at it in writing. Not much of an insight. But sometimes the smallest insights can have the biggest impact.

The more challenging items are the ones that will cause me to s-t-r-e-t-c-h and g-r-o-w, while the easy ones are merely the same kind of things that I would already be doing....with just a little more intention behind them.

Many items that are on my list are tasks to do around the house. No big deal there. Except that I have been a life-long collector of ideas for projects, most of which never get off the ground. They are always those "one of these days I'm going to...." kind of ideas.

With the aforementioned "insight" came the realization that in order to accomplish the larger things on my list, I am going to need some kind of game plan, some kind of organized map that contains mini-goals that will help me reach the larger ones.

I'm thinking that a good first step might be for me to map out a timeline, with milestones along the way. My first inclination is to say I'm going to do that for all of my tougher goals. Truth be told, I really need to start with one or two, and see how that goes.

So, in one week, I'm going to pick two of my tougher goals and map out a game plan for them: when I will accomplish them, what steps need to happen to get there, how I will measure my success.

Wish me luck!

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