Friday, April 15, 2011

OOOH!! I've been called out!

Tickateeboo asked if I'm ever going to update....

But I've been so busy....oh! how cliche' is that?

No really. Busy at work, busy at home. Stressed on all fronts.

So, here is the short list of crap that has had me stressed and busy...

Family drama in November
Tenuous resolution in December
Christmas dinner at my house
More family drama in January and February
Major fallout in Feb-Mar sometime
Work chaos since the beginning of the year...falling way behind
Health issues with aging mom and aunt

On the flip side....

Eldest is bouncing back and moving in a better direction in life.
Middle one is making things happen and progressing toward his goals
Youngest is doing much better in school than last year
Sudden boost of motivation/focus/organization that has allowed me to get (marginally) caught up at work
Awesome hubby
Lost 22 pounds and have improved my diet substantially

Now about that list......

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anne! Wow - 22 pounds...that's quite impressive. I can't complain, I had a two month break from nothing other than writer's block (with some revision and an exam thrown in). Hope you're less stressed now.
